Friday, 2 July 2010

Growing Plumerias In The UK

July 2010

Isn’t This Sunny Weather Just Wonderful !!!

It really makes such a difference and should be working wonders on your Plumeria

All our varieties just love it, and by using one of our fantastic Water, Soil and Daylight Analysers, it’s just so easy to know that there all benefiting from the best possible growing conditions.

At this time of year when it’s hot, water is very important for a fully active Plumeria, as it is one of the main essential ingredients needed to fuel the growth cycle. We have always found that a watering regime that provides a regular and measured supply is always better that the flood or drought approach. When warm and growing strongly ½ litre 3-4 times per week should be more than sufficient. If in doubt, underwatering is preferable to overwatering, which can cause major problems, but the easiest way is to just use one of our Water Monitors or Water, Soil and Daylight Analysers as these tell you exactly how much moisture is present at root level as well as detailing Soil PH and true Daylight levels

Okay, so you’ve got the water regime in place, so what else can you do to get your Plumerias really thriving ? We’ll look no further than the world renowned “SuperThrive”. Used by ourselves and all the major growers in the US, it’s just perfect for getting your Plumeria into strong leaf, already for supplementing with our amazing Hawaiian Super Bloomer. Just add a few drops everytime you water and you’ll soon see your Plumerias growth increase rapidly. Combine this with a daily misting of our Leafdew Plumeria Mist and your Plumerias leaves and growth tips will remain fully refreshed and ready for action. It really is an excellent supplement, as it’s easy to use and doesn’t interfere with your feeding or watering regime

Now, lots of new fresh leaves are great, but you do need to keep a close eye out for the dreaded Spider Mite. These look like little red dots that move when you blow on them and just love sucking all the goodness out of Plumeria. Left alone, your pride and joy will deteriorate rapidly. But don’t despair, as a quick squirt of our Leafguard Plumeria Insecticide soon sorts them out. Leafguard Plumeria Insecticide is also an excellent cure for the dreaded Black Tip Fungus, which does like the “Whites” and can completely destroy a Plumerias growth tips. So be on the safe side and as the saying goes “A squirt a day keeps the problems away”

Whilst there is no guaranteed recipe for achieving flowers and everyone has their own little “Secret”, one simple way is to just use a High Phosphorous one. Now these are rare in the UK, so we import our Hawaiian Super Bloomer all the way from our sister nursery on Hawaii. But believe me, it’s well worth it, as its NPK of 10-52-10 is unrivalled and ideal for promoting Plumeria blooms and its results and reputation in the USA are legendary

So with the perfect Plumeria time upon us and our Catalogues simply bursting with a superb range of Seedlings, Cuttings, Grow to Order, Ready Grown Plants and all the Supplies you could ever wish for could there really be a better time to expand and develop your collection a little further

Best Regards

Neil Dimery
Plumerias UK

Foe full details of all our activities and the items mentioned above please visit our main website at