Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Growing Plumerias In The UK

June 2010

So Summer Is Finally Here

And about time too, as I think my Plumeria were beginning to wonder which country they were in.

Still, were there now and my Plumeria are happily soaking up all the beautiful sunshine they can get. And for my part, a few drops of SuperThrive, a morning misting of Leafdew Plumeria Mist and a daily water with some Hawaiian Super Bloomer have soon got them all into top gear and well into blooming mode.

Off course being in the UK, a bit of intermittent wet weather is always just round the corner. But, do remember that a bit of rain will do your garden the power of good and will help keep the temperature up, especially at night, which is excellent news for your Plumeria. It’s particularly beneficial as the daily growing cycle of a Plumeria is based around absorbing sun and light in the day, which is then used to achieve growth overnight. And as mentioned above, this can be further enhanced by adding a few drops of SuperThrive to your watering regime and a morning misting of Leafdew Plumeria Mist, which will both help get your Plumeria up and running all the quicker.

Being pro-active and getting maximum sunshine on to your Plumeria really is the name of the game. Just work out where those best spots are at different times of the day and move your Plumeria into them accordingly. A morning and afternoon position is all you really need and don’t forget the evenings, as the suns setting rays can be particularly invigorating for a growing Plumeria. But, whilst all this extra sun will work wonders, do keep a close eye out for any unwelcome visitors. Red Spider Mite are a real curse and just love sucking all the life out of Plumeria leaves, undoing all your good work. So at the first signs, just reach for some of our Leafguard Plumeria Insecticide and Zappp them! I know I do.

No doubt sooner or later the usual talk of "Droughts" and "Hosepipe Bans" will surface. Thankfully my Plumeria like most of yours will be inside and not really a drain on our water resources. Off course Plumeria are not exactly unfamiliar to drought conditions, but you still need to make sure your soil, positioning and watering regime are evenly balanced to avoid stop / start growth. Our Water Monitors and Moisture, Soil PH & Daylight Analysers are the perfect way to achieve this, as they give you an accurate reading of you Plumerias environment, telling you exactly when water, soil balancing or better positioning is required.

Now you’ve probably already got an abundance of leaves on your Plumeria, so now’s the time to adjust its feed to promote blooming. To do this you need a feed with a high phosphate content and our “Hawaiian Super Bloomer” with its unique NPK of 10-52-10 is the ideal choice and the one our Nursery use and recommend. Off course nothing will guarantee blooms, but the extra boost that our Hawaiian Super Bloomer provides is ideal for kick starting the process and putting your Plumeria straight into blooming mode.

So with the return of Wimbledon, it really is the perfect time to make that final choice, get your order placed and allow your new Plumeria to fully benefit from all the sunny days to come. Our Catalogues offer a fantastic selection of Ready Grown or Grow to Order Plumeria to choose from, including our Extra Large Plumeria Plants which make a wonderful feature in any home. Then just add in your Essential Supplies and you have everything you need to give your Plumeria every chance of blooming this summer.

Go on Treat Yourself, Start Summer Early!

Best regards

Neil dimery.
Plumerias UK

For full details of all our activities and all items mentioned above please visit our website at

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